Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The FAT book

There is a fine line between eating to live and living to eat. The former is indispensable while the latter is a celebration of life. By living to eat, I profess my love for food – from home-cooked dishes to street-served treats to fancy recipes.

My tastebuds have a penchant for trying out different flavors from all over the globe – whether Asian or Western, name it and I savor it. While I am more conscious with what I take in my body now, I never deny myself of food that makes life truly worth living – think food laden with fat, sugar, salt, spice – just nice.

When it comes to food, having a little bit of everything is the key to truly eating right and living well. I know of some people who never give in to even just a bit of their pleasures thinking that doing otherwise might do them more harm than good.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with you wanting to steer clear of a certain type of food, if it means improving your health or upholding your beliefs. But when you deny yourself of food you love and the pleasure of enjoying its goodness, what could be worse than that?

Here’s a cookbook unlike any other. “Lots of Fat and Taste Recipes” by John De Kleine is a great addition to a true food / cooking enthusiast’s shelf. Recipes in this self-published cookbook dates back to the time when cholesterol was not a scary word and triglyceride was merely a difficult term to pronounce. It lets you explore a different world where you eat and enjoy food because it tastes good, without ever feeling guilty or worrying whether it was healthy or not.

The book title alone speaks for itself, enough to scare any diet / health-conscious person. Expect recipes to be loaded with fat, rich and creamy drippings, sinful concoctions, etc.. “Lots of Fat and Taste Recipes” however, does not suggest you cook and eat these dishes on a daily basis.

Scientific findings (and common sense) dictate it is unhealthy to take in more fat than your body allows. Doing so would not make John De Kleine liable for whatever health condition you may experience in the long run either.

However, “Lots of Fat and Taste Recipes” is your best resort for when you want to satisfy your craving, or take a break from stuff that tastes way better than leathery, husky or mushy blandness.

This book reminds you to eat healthy but reward and indulge yourself every once in a while with all that rich flavor, spices and stuffing. By not completely giving up on great-tasting recipes, “Lots of Fat and Taste Recipes” is your unique approach to eating right and living well.

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